Since my nationality is Norwegian and my swedish writing is rather bad, I've decided to write this application in english. I understand swedish perfectly well though, both spoken and written.
Karaktärens namn: Sweettooth
Klass/ras: Blood elf, mage
Ålder?: 27
talents 0/0/0:
0/3/68 - Frost. I'm currently frost specced, but am willing to respec in favor of the guild.
Raiding experience, PRETBC/TBC/WOTLK:
PRETBC: I was a member of Grumpy old Vikings at one time and later with Aasgard playing with my dps druid, Mandragon. We did all classic raids, exept we didn't really get very far in Old Naxxramas. After a while both guilds were disbanded.
TBC: In the following expantion I was a brief member of TXG, a norwegian guild, where I created this Blood-elf mage and we did Karazhan, Gruul, Magheridon and SSC. This guild was also later disbanded before we could go any further with TK, BT and Sunwell.
WOTLK: In this expansion I have all HC instances on farm and I've completed VoA and OS on both normal and HC difficulty. I visit Naxx with various PUG's and try to learn as much as possible about the bosses there. Never done Malygos, but I'm very anxious to take him on.
Hur ofta kan du raida enligt våra tider?:
I work as a male nurse in real life and thus have some different work schedule every week. Nevertheless I love playing and I always turn up when I say I will. I really don't think it'll be a problem.
Guilder du varit med i, och varför du lämnat?:
GoV, Aasgard, TXG, I briefly rode with hard core crew, but they weren't serious enough about raiding for my taste. Last I was in Magnum, a guild created by a group of friends.
Om du har nuvarade guild, varför tänker du lämna?:
Chosen ones. I've decided to leave because they don't seem to be serous enough about raiding. Lots of green/blue equipment with those guys.
Känner du någon i KILjAEDEN WHO, i så fall vem då:
I'm a good friend of Grimbatol and Detour.
Om du har någon annan information du vill tillägga, t ex om dig själv, varför du vill joina kiljaeden osv:
I manly wanna join this guild because I'm anxious to do raiding on a regular basis. I eventually wanna be able to have every raidboss in the game on farm. My character sheet will probably speak for itself.