I can see from your recruitment status that you have forgot all about the hunters!! no status on dps hunters is even listed
well, here's my application. I'm currently on Alonsus which is a PVE server, but since my brother is playing here, and the guild that I was in over there collapsed I was thinking of moving here.
Karaktärens namn:
Klass/ras: Hunter/Blood Elf
Armory länk med PvE gear ( Logga inte ut i Pvpgearet)
Yrken: Blacksmith and Jewelcrafting
Ålder?: 25
talents 0/0/0:
Raiding experience, PRETBC/TBC/WOTLK:
PRETBC: MC cleared, BWL cleared, AQ up to twin emps, Zul'Gurub cleared
TBC: Karazhan cleared, Gruuls lair cleared
WOTLK: heroics, VoA 10/25 cleared
Hur ofta kan du raida enligt våra tider?:
I'm newly married, with all that includes. This means that I wont be able to raid at all times. even so, my wife is a nurse and does work evenings from time to time. These days I will surely raid =)
Guilder du varit med i, och varför du lämnat?:
I haven't been in any on this server. Want to move here to play with my brother.
Om du har nuvarade guild, varför tänker du lämna?:
The current guild consisted of friends from my student time. These are not playing much and I want to do instances with people I know rather than PUGs.
Känner du någon i KILjAEDEN WHO, i så fall vem då:
Grimbatol (brother) and Detour
Om du har någon annan information du vill tillägga, t ex om dig själv, varför du vill joina kiljaeden osv:[center]
I want to join Kiljaeden because my brother is on this server. By playing with people I know, I get much more out of the game.