From norway and I understand swedish (both written and spoken), however I think it is prudent to write my application in english as typing swedish isn't my strong suit.
Karaktärens namn:
Warrior (dps)/Orc
BS/Mining - 450/450
talents 0/0/0:
Will spec to benifit raiding always.
Raiding experience, PRETBC/TBC/WOTLK:
Everything PRETBC execpt Naxx 40 (at least the last few bosses), C'thun
Everything TBC (never started Sunwell. BT cleared well before Sunwell every came out)
Cleared everything in WOTLK execpt Malygos
Hur ofta kan du raida enligt våra tider?:
Your Raidtimes are exellent, no raids on Friday/Saterday is good for my sosial life :-p
Guilder du varit med i, och varför du lämnat?:
Xanadu Legacy (for 3 years) stopped being an active raiding guild a month before sunwell released.
Om du har nuvarade guild, varför tänker du lämna?:
Infamous (more than willing to explain leaving this guild in a private channel, mail or similar)
Känner du någon i KILjAEDEN WHO, i så fall vem då:
I am afraid I do not know anyone in KILjAEDEN WHO at this time
Om du har någon annan information du vill tillägga, t ex om dig själv, varför du vill joina kiljaeden osv: "needed" reputations at exalted (head/shoulder enchants etc.)
I'm looking for a friendly guild, with decent ppl that play a lot :-D